Granite Dust? Rock ‘n Roll for the Smart Elbow® Deflection Elbow
Western Paving Corp., a division of Western Mobil, has to move granite dust from one area to another in its manufacturing process. Granite dust from the kiln is collected and pneumatically conveyed to a point where it is combined with oil and returned to the mix. This compound then functions as a binding agent that is essential to the entire operation.
The operation’s long-radius sweep elbows, fitted with concrete strongbacks, proved no match for the highly abrasive granite dust, which was wearing these elbows down and causing them to leak hot material within six weeks of installation. Leaks require a rapid shutdown of the 15-ton-per-hour operation for repair, a situation that Western Paving deems unacceptable in terms of waste, downtime and cleanup liabilities.
After learning about HammerTek’s Smart Elbow deflection elbow and its method of conveyance by deflection instead of impact, the corporation installed six 90-degree Smart Elbow units in place of its concrete-backed sweep elbows. The result? System shutdown due to elbow wear was eliminated because of the Smart Elbow deflection elbow’s unique characteristics.
Western Paving initially purchased three Smart Elbow units in 1988, followed by another three in 1990. The HammerTek elbows are lasting about five years, as opposed to the six-week lifespan of the original sweeps. This incredible increase in elbow life has prompted Western to specify the phasing in of Smart Elbow models in all of its plants as older equipment wears out. Western also reports the added benefit of reduced line pressure on systems equipped with the Smart Elbow deflection elbow.
To read the full case study, please visit the HammerTek website.